As an
atheist in yeshiva, I tend to get into some interesting conversations about
seemingly anything and everything. In the course of the discussions regarding
belief in God and keeping to the orthodox religion there are to arguments that
I keep hearing to which I can’t help feeling sad and hurt that humanity is in
this state. Sadly, however the more I hear these I am slowly moving from pity
to frustration.
The first of
these is in the respect given to the “virtue” and “gift” of simply believing
(emunah p’shutah). The sad thing is that I hear this from people who are
intelligent and rational and nonetheless yearn for this simple faith. Rather
than follow their own logic they prefer to struggle with their own thoughts
just to maintain some level of faith. It hurts me to see people in this state.
To see people whose mind is telling them that two plus two is four yet wish
themselves to see it as five because this is what their culture demands of them
is saddening.
Why do
people consider faith a virtue? Why is believing in something notwithstanding
the lack of evidence to support it, and some times in the face of contrary
evidence viewed as a virtue!?!?
In my
experience, to the extent that a person is willing to think critically, to just
that extent he can be saved from following foolish and sometimes wicked ideas.
As much as people criticize Hitler for being an atheist (which he was not), a
big part of the blame must go to the believing sheep of a people that followed
him. Just as no critical thinker could possibly go along with his bizarre
pseudoscience of racial superiority, no critical thinker could follow such
absurd ideas as the ones religion claims either. The one thing in which we have
advanced above all other animals is our critical thinking skills, and yet some
people throw it away in exchange for the cheap comfort of religion. I find it
maddening. Belief cannot give you real knowledge about the world; it cannot
give you any usable information. I find it ironic that these people use phones,
medicines, airplanes, and GPS, yet shun the thought process that made it
The other
claim I have been getting is that even if Judaism were all false, it is still a
preferable worldview to the secular existentialist. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. First
of all, lying to yourself should never be forgivable let alone preferable. Secondly,
it is a horrid, pathetic, and restrictive way of thinking in its own right and
especially when compared to reality, the comfort of delusion cannot compare to
the amazement of knowledge.
Last night I sat by a meal at a
friend of mine, and for dessert he served cherry pie and fruit. As my host
started saying a nice piece of torah regarding why the Jews were asleep during
the giving of the torah I stared at my piece of watermelon. I noticed that it these
white things going through it which resembled veins. As I further marveled at
the similarity between various life forms, I realized that the watermelon on my
plate was a (very) distant cousin of mine, the watermelon and I share a common
ancestor. How mind-blowingly amazing is that!? How can that compare to what my
host was discussing? To take that back a step further, the silver spoon with
which I was eating the watermelon and I also have something in common. We are
both made of heavy elements and that means that we were cooked up in a star.
This feeling of oneness with
everything that is based on facts is infinitely more preferable to me than the
schismatic view that Judaism takes. From a Jewish perspective, there is me, and
everything else is (to quote the Ramchal) means to which I can attain reward in
the next world. How pathetic is that?
It gets even worse, as a Jew you must
believe that you are inherently and fundamentally a different species from all
other species. A Jew walks down the street knowing that he is different from
the goyim around him, he thinks differently than the goyim around him, he feels
differently than the goyim around him, he lives and dies differently than the
goyim around him. How much human solidarity gets lost here? How many
opportunities for true human connection get lost over this self-imposed ghetto?
Instead, I can look around and see how much I have in common with the regular American,
the Chinese, the African American, the Italian, and the Arab. Consequently, I can
learn so much more about people, I stop believing the xenophobic fear I was
raised with, I am more comfortable in my world.
Furthermore if accept the facts of
evolution as opposed to the false idea that God created us, I suddenly view our
future quite differently. As a believer in the Torah, you must accept that we
are the greatest living creature that could ever be, we are perfect, and
created in God’s image. I however, understand that we are just a product of
evolution. While I cannot say that being human is that bad, it is rather good
actually, I can dream though of what we will evolve to over the next few
million, or billion years. If we evolved from amoebas in the short time span of
this planet, can you imagine where we will be in the future? I do not view the
past as perfect, I do not view the knowledge that we gained in the past, or the
present for that matter as perfect. Rather I can dream about a future species
that will have evolved from humans that will be as similar to us as we are to
the amoeba and will be capable of so much more. The possibilities are endless,
and to think that I am a part of this process is TRULY awe-inspiring.